Submission Guidelines

Rising Voices publishes two issues a year, in Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter. 

Please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting your work:

1. Submissions should be submitted by the deadline stated in the relevant call for submissions, which will be circulated via this website and the SEM Listserv, and posted to our Facebook and Instagram pages.
2. Please send submissions to the editor ( in .docx (text), .jpg or .tiff (photography and images), .mp3 or .flac (audio), and/or .mp4 (video) formats. Be sure to include your contact information and university affiliation in your email.
3. Submissions should include in-text citations and a complete reference list formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style Author-Date guidelines. Please note that Author-Date style is distinct from Chicago’s Footnote style. 
4. Page ranges are required for properly-formatted citations of journal articles and book chapters. Ensure that your reference list is complete in this regard. 
5. Submissions should be approximately 1,000-3,000 words in length. See the current Call for Submissions for specific guidelines on types of submissions that are being solicited.
6. When submitting a .docx text, please adhere to the following guidelines:

        a. Times New Roman 12 pt. font, left justified text
        b. Number pages, right justified in the footer
        c. Include title and author at the top of the document
        d. Single space References list, with hanging indent
        e. Be sure to use US English spelling (e.g. -ize rather than -ise)
        f. Refer to past publications for formatting if you have further uncertainties

Improper adherence to submission guidelines will result in an automatic revise and resubmit.